The Elcano Royal Institute and the Instituto Universitario de Investigación Ortega y Gasset have jointly published the first ‘Elcano Report’ with the title Inmigración: Prioridades para una nueva política española (Immigration: Priorities for a New Spanish Policy). The publication has been co-ordinated by Joaquín Arango, Director of the Centro de Estudios sobre Migraciones y Ciudadanía of the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, and by Rickard Sandell, Senior Analyst for Demography, Population and International Migration at the Elcano Royal Institute. The ‘Elcano Reports’ are a new collection of research documents designed by the Elcano Royal Institute with the aim of fostering political debate on the major international issues facing Spain today. On this occasion the Institute’s objective has been both to stimulate debate on the direction that Spanish immigration policy should take and to make a small contribution to that debate by presenting an objective and non-partisan analysis of the drawbacks of current Spanish immigration policies and outlining possible solutions.