Juan Antonio Sánchez Giménez

Head of the Information and Documentation Service
4 articles published

Juan Antonio Sánchez is Head of the Information and Documentation Service at the Elcano Royal Institute. He is a senior professional of information and scholarly communication on international relations and specialist in open source information tools (Open Source Intelligence). He also works with free software applications designed to manage information points. BA in Arabic Philology and Islam from the Autonomous University of Madrid ( UAM), he also has graduate degrees in International Studies, Mediterranean & the Arab World, and the European Union from the UAM , the Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset and the University Carlos III of Madrid, and MA in Information and Library Science at the Complutense University fo Madrid. He has worked in research and documentation at the Spanish Refugee Aid Commission (CEAR), as archivist at Spanish Centre for International Relations (CERI) and in documentation and analysis at the Directorate General of Police (Ministry of Interior). He has also worked on academic research and development cooperation in the southern Mediterranean countries. Since 2009 he is professor of the MA in International Relations at the UPO / UNIA.

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