The Second Seminar of the National Parliaments and the UE Project: “The Strengthening of National Parliaments within the European Integration Process. A new role for the Spanish Cortes Generales after the Lisbon Treaty” was held on 22 October in Madrid (Spain). It was organised by the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies, the Elcano Royal Institute and the Manuel Giménez Abad Foundation, and sponsored by the Spanish State Secretariat for the European Union. Among the speakers’ presentations were:
Democracia parlamentaria y Tratado de Lisboa
Enrique Barón Crespo –

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National Parliaments under the Lisbon Treaty
Maroš Šecovic –

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Parlamentos Nacionales y la Unión Europea (la visión del Parlamento Europeo)
Miguel Ángel Martínez –

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