In recent years, the international community has witnessed Russia’s return as a major global player. Since Vladimir Putin took over the presidency of the Russian Federation in 2000, but especially since 2012, Russia has carried out a sophisticated, well-resourced and, until now, successful campaign to expand its global influence. The global reach of Russian foreign policy is now broader than is often appreciated. Moscow’s attempts to compete globally with the US and China, and to create a network of presence and influence in Europe, Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, the Middle East and the Arctic are not a new element of Russian foreign policy, and have roots in the Soviet times.

This two-panel seminar will address the questions of what are the main characteristics of “Russia’s return” as a strategic actor, as well as what is the prospect of improving relations between Russia and the West and what are the main obstacles to achieving this.


  • Emilio Lamo de Espinosa (@PresidenteRIE), presidente del Real Instituto Elcano.
  • Adam Thomson (@SirAdamELN),director del European Leadership Network.
  • Jeffrey Mankoff (@DrJMankoff), subdirector del programa sobre Rusia y Eurasia, CSIS.
  • Alexey Gromyko, director del Institute of Europe de la  Russian Academy of Sciences; miembro del Russian International Affairs Council (@Russian_Council).
  • Nicolás Pascual de la Parte, diplomático, exembajador de España ante la OTAN.
  • Sergey Lukonin, jefe de la Sección de Estudios sobre China del IMEMO Institute (@IMEMO_RAN).
  • Mira Milosevich-Juaristi (@MiraMilosevich1), investigadora principal de Rusia y Eurasia del Real Instituto Elcano.


Jueves, 5 de marzo de 2020, de 9:45 – 11:45 horas. Asociación de la Prensa de Madrid, c/ Claudio Coello nº 98, Madrid.

Vídeo: Russia, the West, and the rest: Between influence and interference (2:31:14)

© Real Instituto Elcano