Nota: evento en inglés.

2020 marks a critical crossroad for global climate action. As countries are expected to update the Nationally Determined Contributions and submit Mid-Century Strategies, the outcomes of this year should put the world on the path to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and setting the frame for a mutually enhancing global climate governance. However, regional and national political uncertainties have made several countries a lot less dedicated to delivering a strong climate pledge. Expectations are all the higher for China, the UK and other European countries to deliver successful COP 15 on Biological Diversity (hosted by China) and COP26 on climate (co-hosted by UK and Italy). This raises the stakes for deepened China-Europe relationship and collaboration in development and climate.

Accordingly, Energy Foundation China (EFC), Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), European Climate Foundation (ECF), Third Generation Environmentalism (E3G), and the Elcano Royal Institute gathered top think tanks from China and European countries to discuss the key issues of ensuring a success in both CBD15 and COP26, as well as the next step of the China-Europe dialogue working mechanism.

This gathering dialogue was focused on the following issues to gather input on strategy and action plan for 2020.

  • How to deepen a successful China-Europe collaboration towards successful CDB15 and COP26 in 2020, with the forthcoming US political dynamics;
  • Building blocks for an effective China-Europe Track 1.5/2 dialogue mechanism for next year.

Miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019, de 15:30 a 19:30 horas. Real Instituto Elcano, Príncipe de Vergara, 51, Madrid.